Reply To: Crew member 79 – 82

Welcome Forums Goat Locker Crew member 79 – 82 Reply To: Crew member 79 – 82


David Tyce

Carl, I was (then) ETN3 David Tyce….I remember you quite well, when you showed up in our shop as a striker….matter of fact, you worked with me quite a bit….I remember ol’ Jerry Myers, too…..Let’s see….about that time we would have had ETN3 Randy Webster (I think) and one of two possible ET2s….either Terry Koch or Dwayne can’t-remember-his-last-name! Another name would be our Division Officer, who was either Ensign Whitney or LTjg Allen…..Are we talking about the trip to Australia where we visited Freemantle? Operated with an Aussie frigate? I was also with you on our crazy trip to Thailand with the Embassy folks….what a great trip that was!

Would love hearing from you, and from any others in OPS during that period (I was on-board from ’76 to ’79)….
