Reply To: Crew member 79 – 82

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Jerry Myers

I am ET-1 Jerry Myers USN Retired, Carl Combs, David Tyce, are you both coming to San Diego for the reunion? Dwayne lives in Indiana and may be coming. Capt Batzler lives in Del Mar just a little north of San Diego. He made Admarial and worked withe UCSD I think it was. I want to try to get as many of our and also other time frames to come to the reunion. Anyone want to help, I have the 1978 cruise book and all the names of everybody in there. I am the membership chairman for the USS Henry B. Wilson DDG-7 and we had over 100 people at our first reunion here in san Diego last year. Can we beat them? Does anyone remember that RD-1 Stepo took his VW bug with us when we went to San Francisco? We also stopped in San Diego and British Colombia. What has everybody been doing since the Ashtabula? Carl it appears that you make a good choice, you must have gotten ET-“A” school out of the deal.
Jerry Myers ET-1 Retired
11355 Belladonna Way
San Diego CA 92131-2923
(858) 547-8802