Reply To: Crew member 79 – 82

Welcome Forums Goat Locker Crew member 79 – 82 Reply To: Crew member 79 – 82


Carl Combs

Hi all,
David, I believe I remember you. Were you the one that bought the “first ever made Mazda” prior to it even being released? I do believe Dwain’s last name is Williams. I remember in Australia. Dwain had a few to many and I introduced him to a girl I met. She was standing on a step. The next day he mentioned to me that she seemed a bit tall 🙂 Well Jerry, if you remember, I put in a chit to marry her. Still married and three kids. Best decision I ever made. I stayed in for 20 years. I made E7 but did not want to commit to the rank so I officially retired as an E6 in 1997. I am now an Electronic Engineering Technician for a large company in Ohio. It is great to here from all of you. I am pressed for time so I will input more later.
