Reply To: Decom Crew

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My name is Marvin Sanchez, I reported on board the Bula on a Friday Night back in Sept of 1978. I was in deck div working for BMC Mao and BMCS Minterm. I later moved on to become SH3. I would love to hear from Witter J and Witter S. I still remember Witter J always playing Anne Margrett songs on his radio/Tape. I finished up in 98 as an OS1 and right now I work as a contractor for the IIMEF Second Marine Expeditionary Force out of Camp LeJeune NC and I am presently working out of Camp Fallujah here in Iraq. I hope be be leaving here around the middle of July back to Jacksonville NC. I sure miss all the fun we had on that boat, I sure sea stories with some of this Marines out here and they just can’t beleive some of the things I tell so of course I have to show them some of my photos. By the way I still keep in contact with SN Rainey better knowen as Boo Boo he leaves in SC so if any wants to communicate withy please do 78 to Decomm…