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Hurricane Katrina

Katrina is coming, coming our way,
The damage she will cause is going to stay,
Katrina is coming, coming our way.

First she put South Florida in her path,
But they didn’t feel her full wrath.

She turned to go due west,
And started to build to a healthy crest.

The front that came from the north was not strong weather,
So Katrina decided, going North for her, would be better.

As she approached the main land,
Katrina started to turn up some sand.

For Grand Isle she would cross,
And leave not even a little moss.

To Mississippi she was headed,
And there would be much damage to her credit.

Katrina is coming, coming our way,
The damage she will cause is going to stay,
Katrina is coming, coming our way.

As she passed by the Big Easy,
Things here got a little crazy.

To the city of New Orleans the Mayor said “Evacuate,”
Because a city of death this storm would make.

Katrina rose to a category five,
And we all knew she was no dive.

To New Orleans she brought sorrow,
Just how much, we would find out on the marrow.

Of the wind and rain, the city did take,
But the flood was brought on by the levee break.

The flood was great and immense,
So much that the pumps could not dispense.

Katrina is coming, coming our way,
The damage she will cause is going to stay,
Katrina is coming, coming our way.

Many stayed in the Super Dome,
They crowded together like a family of gnome.

Thousands went to the Convention Center,
Afterwards, it was a place no one wished to enter.

Thousands and thousands decided to stay home,
It left them with no place to roam.

The water rose to the roof tops,
And through the attic the hatchets made their chops.

On the roofs some did survive,
But, to the roof tops, others did not arrive.

Others again were abandoned and helpless,
To the country it seemed to be hopeless.

Katrina is coming, coming our way,
The damage she will cause is going to stay,
Katrina is coming, coming our way.

FEMA came in right away, it is quite clear,
They came to help and settle our fear.

The Red Cross came to rent cars,
In Baton Rouge, at night, you’ll find them in bars.

All the ones who came to help the people,
Seemed to treat us as a third world without a steeple.

Going to church isn’t a practice we need,
It is something the good people here, already do indeed.

We already know how to live right,
Because it is something we do day and night.

What we NEED is a little help,
Not to be treated like so much sea kelp.

Katrina has come our way,
Her damage will forever stay,
Katrina has come our way.

R. A. Guillot
August 2005