Reply To: Decom Crew

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hey all, this is mike zawchenuk. I was a gm aboard the bula from 79 to decom, as a matter of fact ,I ended up with the commissioning flag when it was taken down(also got a porthole) I’m recognizing allot of you guys from being dutygunner and all those dam security alert drills ha ha! I see stan was looking for those Wendt brothers Russ was a bt and Nick was a gunner with me and was a good buddy. I had been trying to contact him for a few years but was having difficulties. I was finally able to get contact with Russ, ironically, the very day I reached him on the phone, he said it was strange I called because Nick was killed in an auto accident on his way to work that very day! So its nice to see a lot of you bula “bulldogs” still out there bringing back those good ol’ memories ,puts a smile on your face and keeps ya young. hang in there boys, bula’s not gone as long as we’re still around!